Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Housing Update 04/17

Hey all,

A lot of developments over the past couple of days and I'm sure people are growing anxious about the uncertainty.

We're going to move forward with the 10 people we have. Katie and Jen have pulled out for personal reasons.

First of all, we're still waiting to hear back from Harbor Bay about the houses we applied for. I've left 2 messages and I'll try to call again tomorrow. So when we hear back about this, we can move forward. If we get approved for the house, we'll move around the people in the houses to try to accomodate people's needs more, but we first need to hear back from them first.

The videos of the houses we're applying to right now can be viewed at my youtube account:
House 12 is our first choice
House 11 is our second choice

If we get house 12, we'll probably be having 5 people live there because it is a cheaper house, and if we also get house 11, we'll have 6 live there. These are all if's so I'm hesitant to discuss it further until we get more information, so stay posted.

Also, if you haven't already, PLEASE discuss with your families if it is alright for you to be living in Alameda...don't spring this on your parents last minute because they probably won't be happy if you do that and you will also bring upon further changes to the housing situaiton. So for your sake, your parents' sake, and our situation's sake, talk with your parents if you have not already done so.

Alrighty sistas, thanks for your patience again and please keep praying that we'll get at least one of the houses we applied for, it will eliminate a lot of uncertainty.

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